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Publish a Book Chapter in "Modern Concepts of Agronomy (Volume - 1)"

    Chapters are welcome on the following topics, but not limited to:

  • Population and food requirement. Challenges for food security
  • Sustainable agriculture: concept, need and approaches
  • Agroecological and agroclimatic zones of India and their introduction
  • Effect of climate change on crop production. Climate resilient crop production techniques. Future research needs in relation to changing climate
  • Introduction to modern concepts of tillage - zero tillage minimum tillage, Conservation tillage - its advantages, disadvantages, types and Methods
  • Optimum plant population. Relationship between plant population and yield and response curves
  • Integrated nutrient management concepts & practical aspects
  • Scheduling of irrigation and methods of irrigation including micro irrigation system, fertigation
  • Organic farming – concept, problems, prospectus of organic farming. Principles and components of organic farming
  • Herbicide resistance in weeds – meaning and management of resistant weeds
  • Integrated farming system: concept, scope and successful IFS models
  • Definition and concept of ideal plant type
  • Precision agriculture-definition, basic concept, scope and Technologies for precision agriculture
  • Crop model-definition, concept and types (empirical & mechanistic) Scientific basis of modelling
  • Designer crops - concept and importance
  • Vermi- technology, meaning, methods and scope
  • Crop residue management for sustainable agriculture, technological options for stopping residue burning
  • Indigenous technological knowledge and its use in crop production
Dr. K.M. Sharma
Asstt. Prof. (Agronomy) & Project Incharge,
AICRIP, Agriculture Research Station,
Ummedganj Farm, Kota, Agriculture University,
Kota, Rajasthan, India
Mobile: +91-9829088726
Email: kmsharma.kvk@gmail.com